- Why Does My Church Oppose Medical Marijuana?
- Sex and the State: An Analysis of Consent
- The Great and Abominable Church… of Caesar
- What is Your Agency?
- Dehumanization Through Objectification
- How Going to Church Helps Us to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy
- The LDS Church Should Abandon the Boy Scouts—But for the Right Reasons
- Dear Kate Kelly: "Sparking Joy" is Not a Litmus Test for the Gospel of Christ
- Lazy Conservatives and a Losing Cause: Marriage, Morality, and a Missed Opportunity
- Religion and the State: Can Latter-day Man Serve Two Masters?
- Mormons and Medical Marijuana
- Mormons Making Friends with the Nazi Mammon of Unrighteousness
- A Widespread Misunderstanding About Satan's War on Agency
- Why Latter-day Saints are Condemned
- Torture is okay, because hey, we're awesome!
- Can Prophets Come from Outside Church Leadership?
- An Open Apology to Glenn Beck
- Mormon Pharisees and Phylacteries
- Changing Deckhands or Direction?
- Transparency, simplicity, publicity: Words for GOP to live by in 2015
- Forced Taxation to Fund Schools — For the Good of Society?
- In the Shadows of the Unknown
- After Ferguson, Then What?
- Why I Now Remain Silent During the Pledge of Allegiance
- The Public Relations Meltdown Regarding a Renouncing of War
- Libertarianism Does Not Mean "Live and Let Live"
- Don't Confuse Progress With Apostasy
- The Constitution was a Means, Not an End
- Why Religious Liberty is the Wrong Fight to Pick
- How I Intend to Educate My Children
- Consequences of a Refusal to Recognize Our Creator
- Anti-discrimination proposal violates property rights
- The Gamification of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
- When Judges Overturn the Will of the People
- Selling Our Birthright For a Mess of Pottage
- What the New Statement on Blacks and the Priesthood Means to Me
- On Appealing to Authority
- How to Defeat the Utah Data Center
- The Misguided Movement to Restrict Internet Porn
- The Peril of Pre-Existing Conditions
- Should Libertarians Support War to Defend the Defenseless?
- No Caucus Means Flyover Counties
- Doubting Your Doubts Before Doubting Your Faith
- Women and the Priesthood: Separate but Equal
- Time to Decriminalize Polygamy
- Marriage and the Church, Sitting in a Tree, playing D-E-F-E-N-S-E
- Rumors of Wars
- Are Foreign Interventions in America's National Security Interest?
- Political Partisanship and Temple Worthiness
- Faith Without Works is Dead: Do We Believe It?
- Compulsory education violates parental stewardship
- A Public Policy of Personal Responsibility
- Why Secret Combinations Matter
- The Lord's Leaders are Fallible—And That's Okay
- BYU Making Friends with the Mammon of Unrighteousness
- The Righteous, Seduced by Secret Combinations
- Who bears the blame for Matthew David Stewart's death?
- The Abinadi Effect
- Where Our Demons Hide
- Raising Taxes is the Wrong Approach
- Children of the Collective: The State's Attack on Individuality
- I Believe the Resurrection is Real
- What Internet Taxes and Gay Marriage Have in Common—And Why Both Are a Bad Idea
- The Price of Liberty: Eternal Vigilance
- Individuals Have the Right to Own Guns
- How to promote freedom in Utah
- State Sanctioned Marriage: Rendering Unto Caesar That Which Is God's
- A Forgotten Focal Point in the Book of Mormon
- Gun-Free Zones: A Vacuum of Logic and Lawful Defense
- Confessions of a RINO
- Promoting Measures to Maintain and Strengthen the Family
- Where the Political Battle Lines Lie
- How Latter-day Saints Can Create Zion
- Am I a Satan-Supporting Raving Lunatic Engaging in Priestcraft?
- Why an Obama Re-Election May Be Best for the Cause of Liberty
- On Sullying Mormonism
- Why Ron Paul Republicans Won't Vote for Romney
- Individual Liberty Requires Personal Responsibility
- America: The Most Wicked Nation on Earth
- Abortion: A Property Rights Issue?
- The Seductiveness of Sweetness and Light
- Behold, A Straw Man!
- Modern-Day Gadiantonism: Government by the Laws of Wickedness
- Barack Obama, Business Owners, and the Social Contract
- My Remarks from FreedomFest
- Upping the Ante: Making Liberty Go Mainstream in Utah
- Obamacare Upheld as Constitutional: What Now?
- The Legitimacy of Licensure and Laws Against Licentiousness
- On the Rand Paul Endorsement
- The Fusion of Church and State
- Nanny State Smackdown
- Why I Have (Largely) Given Up on the Federal Government
- Why Obama's 'Julia' campaign will be a success
- The Confidence of Men and Constitutional Chains
- Immorality and Irresponsibility: A Justification for Statism?
- Foreign Policy and the Golden Rule
- The Supreme Court Should Uphold Obamacare
- Being Pro-Life Means Being Anti-War
- Joseph Smith, Habeas Corpus, Mitt Romney, and the 2012 NDAA
- Federal Farmers, Then and Now
- Joseph Kony: A Monster to Destroy?
- Whose Land Is It?
- An Open Letter to Glenn Beck
- What do young voters want?
- A Mormon Leader's Promotion of Peace
- Rights Precede and Supercede the Government
- The "Public Safety" Police State Ploy
- A Mormon People in Need of Reform
- Latter-day Saints and Liberty: Church Priorities vs. Member Responsibilities
- The Signature Heard 'Round the World
- Latter-day Saints for Ron Paul
- Should Mormons vote for Mitt Romney?
- The War on Drugs is a War on American Citizens
- Government, a Defective Product
- Highland's Justified Food Freedom Ordinance
- Persuasion vs. Coercion: Taking a Real Stand
- Prayers for Peace, Free Principles, and Protection
- Is Libertarianism Compatible With Mormonism?
- My Letter to a Senator Hatch Re-Election Campaign Staffer
- The Addictive Drug that Government Will Never Prohibit
- Opposing Marijuana Criminalization
- Seduction, Deception, Entrapment, and the FBI
- I Am Not a Statistic
- The Myth of Political Representation
- The Applauded Assassination of an American Citizen
- Troy Davis and Death Penalty Bloodlust
- 9/11, 10 Years Later
- GOP Ditches Free-Market Principles
- Immoral Means, Moral Ends
- Was Secession Settled Through War?
- Fiscal Malfeasance and Political Footballs
- A Celebration of Secession
- The Long-Overdue Rise of Libertarianism
- Relativistic Conservatism
- Self-Imposed Servitude to the State
- The Justified Breaking of Unjust Laws
- Of Plenary Powers and Constitutional Conservatism
- Federal Justification of Tyranny
- An Invitation to Repeal
- Moral Hazard in Utah: The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
- Of Soft Hearts and Social Safety Nets
- Latter-day Liberty, the Manuscript
- The Fallaciousness of Fairness in Immigration
- A More Accurate Definition of Charity
- A Fictional Path to Prosperity
- How Prepared is the Average Latter-day Saint Ward?
- The Consistency of Christian Character
- The Constitutional Right to Enslave Others
- Utah's HB477 and Legislative Hypocrisy
- Analyzing Authority Through Anarchy
- Egypt in America: The Fiscal Unraveling
- Food Safety Advocates Have Read the Law Wrong
- The Egregious Disaster of Eminent Domain
- Real Representation in Lehi: A District-Based City Council
- Legislating Away Your Liberties
- Strengthening Marriage from Internal and External Threats
- Immigration, Geography, and Public Parks
- Introducing the Utah Intrastate Commerce Project
- Misplaced Political Opportunism in the Arizona Shooting
- The Utah Sound Money Act
- A Pervasive Disregard for Life
- The Critical Mass of Tyranny: One
- The Disunited States of America: False Unity Between States in Bondage
- The Forgotten Story of Thanksgiving
- The TSA's Pat Down of Our Rights
- A Letter Sent to the Air Transport Association
- Constitutional Literalism
- Wickedness, Abominations, and WikiLeaks
- Why the Tenth Amendment Task Force Is Not To Be Trusted
- Spice, Marijuana, and the Criminalization of "Gateway Drugs"
- President Packer, Straw Men, and the Pro-LGBT Propagandists
- Individuals as Government Guinea Pigs
- Do Ask, Do Tell, and Do Exclude Homosexuals from the Military
- America: An English-Only Nation?
- End Birthright Citizenship for All
- Fundraiser for the Sannar family
- The Conservative Immigration Schism
- Of Mosques, Mormons, and Mob Mentality
- Eight Questions, Three Candidates, One Response
- A Century of Murder
- Principled, Even When Difficult
- Proposition 8: The Allegedly Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment
- An Inversion of Political Intimidation
- Mormon Pioneers and their Modern-day Counterparts
- Immigration, Individual Rights, and the Constitution
- Utah Nullification: Encouraging our State Legislators to Assert Our Sovereignty
- Independence Day: Just Another Holiday
- Nullification: A Necessary Power for State Sovereignty
- The Primary Election Post-Mortem
- Presidential Idolatry
- My Apathy Towards Athletic Nationalism
- Why I Do Not Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
- Utah's UTOPIA is Anything But
- Government and Childbirth, Compared
- The Constitution Applies to Terrorists
- Why Senator Bennett Lost
- The Failed War on Drugs
- In Defense of Utah's Caucus System
- Arresting the Decay of Society with the Holy Ghost
- The Desperate Struggle for Political Power
- Free Trade, Fair Trade, and Protectionism
- A Dictatorial Decree of Death
- Foreign Entanglement with Israel
- Wikileaks: A Bulwark in the War for Your Mind
- The Chameleon-Like Qualities of Mitt Romney's Conservatism
- The Census, the Constitution, and Civil Disobedience
- Enforcing the Law on Law Enforcement
- The Unwarranted Expansion of Administrative Subpoenas in Utah
- Why America Should Apologize
- On the Necessity of Repentance
- The Arrogance of America's Aristocracy
- Constitution, Conscience, Constituency
- On Amendments and Constitutional Purity
- The Misplaced Ire of Citizens United
- Why the Latter-day Saints Prepare
- The Failure of Foreign Aid
- Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness... Unless You're in Utero
- Utah Senator Bob Bennett is No Friend of the Constitution
- On Whether to Tear Down or Build Up
- The Redemption of the Republicans
- The Criminalization of the Citizenry
- Punishing the Many to Protect the Few
- A New Year for Patriotism
- GOED: Redistributing Utah's Wealth
- The Hyper-Sexual Indoctrination of Children
- Stay the Course... of the Titanic
- Why the New Anti-War Right is Wrong
- Wall Street Drunk and Drinking More
- Afghanistan: Graveyard of Empires
- How I Support the Troops
- Constitutional Superficiality
- The Civic Duty of the Latter-day Saints
- A Letter to the Treasury from the LDS First Presidency in 1941
- The Fall of the Wall
- Do We Really Want an NSA Data Center in Utah?
- Special Interests
- The Improper Price of Proposition 8
- The Dehumanization of Women
- The Manipulative Media Narrative
- Procrastinating the Day of Preparedness
- A False Plea for Political Unity
- Utah's Unethical Ethics Initiative
- Term Limits
- Surrendering Liberty
- The Conundrum of Civil Communication
- The Calm Before the Storm
- End the Fed, End the Empire
- ACORN in Context
- Governor's Jobs Claim is a Poor Start
- Preventive War and the Book of Mormon
- Emotional Enticement, Intellectual Discord
- The Impressionability of Youth
- The Family: A Proclamation to the World
- Sunshine Patriots
- Stand Up, Speak Up
- Challenging Assumptions and Gaining Perspective
- Government: A Disease Masquerading As Its Own Cure
- The Unintended Consequences of Cash for Clunkers
- Of Rights and Responsibilities
- Legislating with a Line-Item Veto
- Selective Socialism
- Political Science: A Deadly Combination
- America's Foreign Policy: The Analogy of the Beehive
- State Sovereignty and the Senate
- Context is King
- It's Not a Coup: Constitutional Government in Honduras
- Capping Trade Through Cap and Trade
- FDA: Fostering a False Sense of Security
- The United States of America: Too Big, To Fail
- Glenn Beck's Broad Brush
- Live Together, Die Alone
- The Government Motors of the Economy
- Principles in Perpetual Warfare
- To Renounce War and Proclaim Peace
- For the Strength of Youth—Service to Others
- Guantanamo Bay: Establishment of Empire
- The Arrogance of Ammonihah
- The Honor of a Shared Name
- The Inherent Injustice of Plea Deals
- The Dangers of a Modern Constitutional Convention
- Mediating Institutions: A Remedy to Political Indifference
- The Worst President of The United States
- The Dangers of Division of Labor
- Why I'm Not Attending a Tea Party
- The Importance of Provident Providers
- Intergenerational Impositions
- Taking Advantage of a Crisis
- The Context Behind 'The Test'
- The Vindication of Time
- How to Fix the Health Care Industry
- The Right and Responsibility of Self-Defense
- 10 Scenarios For Which You Should Be Prepared
- Credit Comes from Savings
- The Rule of Law vs. Man
- The Economists' Crystal Ball
- Self-Sustaining Sovereignty
- The Problematic Inward Vessel
- The Common Ground of Natural Law
- Religion and Politics: Never, but Sometimes?
- Duck and Cover, or Stand and Fight?
- Utah's Sacred and Common Ground Initiatives
- An Open Letter to My So-Called Representatives
- Michael Steele and the Republicans
- CotM: IHOP National Pancake Day
- Watchmen on the Tower and a Sleeping People
- Clay's Law
- For the Strength of Youth—Honesty
- A Second Snapshot of a Community's Preparedness
- Barack Obama's Inaugural Implosion
- The Error of Economic Stimulation
- Job Creation Through Fiat
- Locus Standi (or the Lack Thereof)
- The Progressive Predicament
- CotM: Children International
- The Hearts of Men in Our Own Land
- What Do You Get For the Person Who Has Everything?
- Sovereignty and Secession
- The Lowest Common Denominator
- Outrage Over a Shoe
- The Physics of Perfection
- Breaking the Law to Enforce the Law
- Socialization: All Your Kids Are Belong to Us
- State Budgets Suffering Without a Money Tree
- The Constitution: Just a Piece of Paper
- The Action of Thanksgiving
- Why I Stopped Watching 24
- Misplaced Blame to Avoid Accountability
- How to Create Real Change
- Why This Depression Will Be Worse
- Asking the Right Questions
- Increased Polarization: Choose You This Day Whom Ye Will Serve
- The Obama Youth: Compulsory Service on the Horizon
- Breaking: New Anti-Proposition 8 Campaign to Target LDS Church President Thomas S. Monson
- Orrin Hatch: The Constitution is Hanging By a Thread
- Judge Not Unrighteously
- CotM: Kaiizen
- It's Not Your Money: The Perpetual Ponzi Scheme of Socialism
- A Saint's Lament: Not All Mormons Follow the Prophet
- The Purpose and Aim of a Modern Education
- Housing Assocations: Natural Enemies of Property Rights
- The Lesser of Two Evils
- A Campaign Without Cash
- Who is Joseph Addison?
- Principle in Practice
- The Conspiracy Element of History
- Religion and Politics: The LDS Church and Proposition 8
- The Inherent Immorality of our Banking System
- Apathetic Until It Hits Your Wallet
- Domestic Enemies of the Constitution
- CotM: Invisible Children
- The Laws of Wickedness and America's Demise
- The Bigger They Are, The Softer They Fall
- Police Glorification
- We Will Never Forget
- Chaffetz v. Spencer: Round 1
- On Claims of Alienation
- A Snapshot of a Community's Preparedness
- The Rights of an Embryo
- The Child Soldier
- CotM: Smile Train
- For the Strength of Youth—Music and Dance
- Reciprocal Charity Equals Equality
- Our Own Tests of Faith
- Capitalism and Charity
- The Protected Class of Sexuality
- Coping With Sudden Change
- Three Cups of Tea: The Proper Promotion of Peace
- For the Strength of Youth—Entertainment and Media
- CotM: LDS Philanthropies
- Voluntary Slavery
- Constitutional Corporate Bailouts
- The Economy: Like a Bag of Potato Chips
- Inertia vs. Incentive—The Goverment Conundrum
- Non-Experiential Participation
- A Declaration of Independence... From What?
- The Bare Minimum
- CotM: Aura's House
- Affirmation, California, and the LDS Church
- A Curse on Machines!
- Treading Water—America's Long Term Unsustainability
- Military Desertion: A Fundamental Right
- Kirby Heyborne's Promotion of Babylon
- The Utah Congressional Delegation: Establishment Sellouts
- Standing Armies
- The Return of the FLDS Children
- NASA, Legalized Theft, and a Waste of Money
- War in Heaven Today
- Monarchial Remnants
- CotM: Mothers Without Borders
- Legal Jujitsu in California (Same Sex Marriage Upheld)
- An Observation of the Dollar
- Nessie Hunting
- Group Justice
- For the Strength of Youth—Family
- FLDS Petition Conclusion
- FLDS Petition Results
- CotM: Kiva
- Fascism for the FLDS
- The Last Six Steps
- In Opposition to Evil
- The Right to Fail
- Outsourcing Political Responsibility
- Small in Numbers at the Caucus
- 4,000 and Counting
- Awake
- Political Prostitution
- Ex Post Facto Law
- Divorce and Broken Contracts
- The Sacrifice to Serve
- Something Positive Regarding Government
- Letters on Recession
- Captain of the Titanic
- Soap Operas
- Causality and Conscious Choice
- Following Fashion Trends
- Child Labor
- A Year of Quilting
- A Weekend With George Wythe
- The Fallacy of Misplaced Hope
- The Delusion of Anti-Discrimination Laws
- General Authorities and General Principles
- Measuring Political Effectiveness
- Do You Trust Your Government?
- Prophetic Support for a Modern Callout
- Tribute to a Man of God
- The Case for the Gold Standard
- Ah, That Felt Good...
- What Martin Luther King, Jr. Did
- What is Change?
- I am a Self-Proclaimed Constitutionalist
- An Analysis of the Ten Virgins
- Congress and the Sunlight Rule
- Training a Leader
- A New Start
- Inviting the Savior Into Our Home Through Worship
- The Bumper Sticker
- Is Ron Paul Necessary to the Revolution?
- 9/11 Didn't Change Everything
- Setting Records and Exposing Bias
- Acceptable Bigotry
- An Open Letter to Apathetic Americans on Behalf of Ron Paul
- To Mentally Stone a Prophet
- What If It Happened Today?
- California's Upcoming Homosexodus
- Health Care Hocus Pocus
- NaBoMoReMo
- The Role of the Presiding Patriarch
- Gratitude
- Pride in Practice (or, What a Few Women Think)
- Softballing Presidential Debates
- Missionary Meme
- On Mudslinging
- My Kind of Veteran
- On President Hinckley's "War and Peace"
- Terrorism, the Constitution, and Irony
- The Ron Paul Phenomenon
- Mothers Without Borders Thanksgiving 2007 Fast
- Thankimony or Testimony?
- True Competition in the Educational System
- Our Dollar
- The San Diego Fires and the Broken Window Fallacy
- San Diego is on Fire
- American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007
- Brigham Young on Public Education
- Two Favorites in One
- Anti-Family Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Our Collective Duty to Safeguard Liberty
- Harry Reid Against the "Right Wingers"
- General Welfare
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Utah Voters and Political Naiveté
- Parental Stewardship and the Right to Revelation
- Weighing in on the Utah Voucher Program
- Financial Armageddon Redux
- Why "Scientific" Polling isn't Always Accurate
- The Hegelian Dialectic
- Republican Senators Oppose Habeas Corpus
- Attorney General Michael Mukasey
- Until We've Won
- Separation and Consolidation
- Any Last Words?
- Patriot Act and Acts of Patriotism
- Orrin's Obliviousness
- War Isn't Hell
- My, How Things Have Changed
- Google Sky
- Purple Fingers
- Constitutional Questions
- Poor Padilla
- Prophetic Quotes on America's "Destiny"
- Believe Me, Bush Would Have Been Better!!!
- GAP and the Gap
- An Interesting Ratio
- The Fiscal Clock is Ticking
- My Letter to Saddam Hussein
- An Entitlement Mentality
- My Letter to the Editor
- Washington, Bastiat, and Benson on Force
- Tithing
- A New Home for Sustain'd
- War is the Health of the State
- Tourism
- On Isolationism
- A Mirror
- Child-headed Households
- Christ-like Love
- Where to Start...
- Off to Africa!
- How the War on Terror Hurts America
- Epitome of a Politician
- Mediocre Meetings
- A History Lesson on Iranian Blowback
- Your Homework Assignment
- Scriptures and Church, Constitution and Government
- Revolutionary Ramblings
- Fearmongering
- Darfur Needs Oil
- Bush Loyalty
- Goodbye, Pocketknife!
- Professor Responds to PBS' "The Mormons"
- A Conscription Opportunity
- A Life Worth Living
- Memorialized Malevolence
- A Breath of Fresh Air
- Security and Prosperity
- Notetaking
- Empire or Republic?
- Time Sanctifies Everything
- Breaking the Cycle
- Spiritual Minus Temporal
- Media Asphyxiation
- Why the Gas Protest Won't Work
- The Deprivation Disparity
- God Has Faith in Himself
- Media Blacklisting Ron Paul
- A Member
- Rocky vs. Hannity
- My Favorite Talk. Ever.
- Are We Slaves?
- The Mormons, Part Two
- The Mormons, Part One
- On Seashells and Diversion
- Eternal Entitlements
- Retroactive Illegality
- Our Words
- Hindsight
- Orthodoxy
- Income Tax Offer
- Virginia Tech and Gun Control
- Adoration Through Emulation
- Why You Should Vote
- The Electoral College
- Where Have All The Leaders Gone?
- Financial Armageddon
- The Sifter
- Doctrinally Justifiable Treason
- Resurrectional Ramifications
- Time
- A Political April Fool's
- Out of the Mouth of Babes
- A Faithful, Optimistic Realist
- Our Awful Situation
- Conference Highlights
- I'm Getting Married!
- The Dollar and the Death Knell
- The Secret (is Stupid)
- The Daily Jesus
- Dick. Cheney.
- Domineering Diebold
- Executive Privilege
- Life is Good, Part Two
- Life is Good
- To Murmur
- A Suggestion
- Prophetic Political Silence
- Obliviotocracy
- A Gay Education
- Smitten With Self
- Why I'm For Ron Paul and Against Mitt Romney
- Patriotism vs. Nationalism
- Journals as Scripture
- When the Collectors Come Calling
- Angry Americans
- Order and Chaos
- Add a Wife
- Prepare for Peace
- The Sung Hero
- The Power of Love
- That's So Gay
- The Vision of Joel
- Why Do Latter-day Saints Ignore Ron Paul?
- BBC and WTC 7
- Stacking the Deck
- HAMing it up
- Nazi
- Prepping for Iran
- Shutdown Day
- Packed Prisons
- Disliked and Downtrodden
- Three Men, Three Missions
- Hate Speech
- Bloody Moon
- Tragedy at Trolley Square
- Joseph Smith
- To Dream
- Creme de la Creme
- Be a Good Citizen
- Costly California
- Mandatory Vaccinations
- Seven Years of Plenty and Famine
- CERTified
- Erroneous Epithets
- False Christs
- CP-80 and Traffic Control
- The Fed Financing War
- Dumbing Us Down
- Making a Blook with Wordpress and Pages
- Taxation Without Representation
- To Trample Under Our Feet
- Parking Problem
- Tech Talk
- Mercy
- Communism
- Protecting Privacy
- Authoritative Law
- I'm Going to Africa!
- Doomsday Clock
- Women Without Husbands
- Luciferianism
- Legal and Lawful
- Ron Paul is Runnin'
- Bread and Circuses
- Small Things
- Your Child Left Behind
- The Care in Conversion
- Inimical Influence
- The Big Test
- Abusing Authority
- Soliciting Sacrifice
- Food Storage Folly
- Jesus the Christ Index
- Wise or Stupid
- Immediate Counsel
- Impeachment Proceedings against Bush
- Balance
- Light the Darfur Wall
- Some Thoughts on the Birth of Jesus
- A Christmas Letter
- Why We Fight
- Do You Really Want the Rest of the Book of Mormon?
- Melting My Money
- 10 Bucks to Save a Life
- Tag, I'm It
- Slow to Remember
- Rise Up and Build
- New Nukes
- Purpose of Christmas Lights
- The Last Ten Years
- Liberty Amendment
- The Easy Yoke
- Butt Litter
- Embracing the Book of Mormon
- Law of the Harvest
- Betrayal at Pearl Harbor
- Why We Love Government
- The Richest of the Rich
- Can You Hear Me Now?
- A "Terrorist" Who Wasn't
- Tipping
- Viva Las Vegas
- Immolating Iraqis
- Pope Prays to Mecca
- Thinly Disguised War on Christianity Thrives
- Keith Ellison and the Koran
- How Rich are You?
- Bashing the Bilderbergs
- Masquerading Mitt
- Spending More Than We Make
- Faux Female For Fun
- LDS News Watch
- How Long Until You Starve?
- Kissingering the Pope
- Sayonara, Santa
- Motabs and Makeovers
- I'm Thankful for Beck
- Rand on Money
- Cognate Accusatives
- The Shopocalypse
- Nationalized Thanksgiving
- Thanksgiving During War
- Has the Military Lost its Humanity?
- Christmahanukwanzadan and Consumerism
- Wally is Back
- Division in the Church
- Political Blogging as Hate Crime
- The Parable of Gomer
- Priorities
- Hatch Asks Nation to Fast
- Get Involved!
- Domestic Tryanny
- Why Iraqis Hate Us
- Morality Means Money
- Thoughts from Outside the Bubble
- Ted Turner and the UN
- Republic vs. Democracy
- The Major News Media
- Sex Sells (Your Soul)
- Financial Conspiracies
- Stupid in America
- Strings of Protection
- Wally Chooses Sides
- Quench Your Thirst
- Farewell, Rummy!
- It's Not Yours To Give
- Breaking Fox News
- Presenting Quoty
- Leave Your Print
- On Stirring Up
- Bye, Saddaam
- Invisible Children
- Search Away!
- Vote Against Judge Lewis
- And So It Begins...
- Bush the Dangerous Dictator
- Dictator Bush
- Exposing Evil
- Hack the Vote
- Google and the CIA
- Is Forty Figurative?
- Utah Drivers
- Worlds Without Number
- Volunteerism
- Abortion Ban
- Triviality and the Prophet
- Morality and Movies
- Wake Up, America!
- A Lost Ten Tribe Returning?
- Celebrities and Stem Cell Research
- New Utah Driver's Licenses
- Parental Coaching
- View Freedom to Fascism
- November Surprise
- A Prophetic Warning
- An Answer to Prayer
- Orrin Hatch Billboards
- Deluged with Debt
- World's Best Father
- The Kingdom of Heaven and the New World Order
- Vote Republican to Keep Mr. Jones Away!
- Your Words are Lies, Sir
- To Chasten is To Love
- Our Out of Touch Congress
- RIP, America
- Tracking the Trillions
- Legislating Morality
- Bush's Deepening Deficit
- Married Couples are the New Minority
- The Abundant Life
- Frogs and Flies
- Evolution
- Smiles
- Mexico is a Whining Baby
- Don't Vote Republican
- Bush Using Christians
- Living the Law of Consecration
- Be Not Afraid
- Lessons from Leviticus
- Ten Reasons You Will Not Recognize America in Ten Years
- Goodbye, Habeas Corpus!
- North Korea Krazies
- America's Former Foreign Policy
- Giving to the Lord
- Farewell, Narrator
- Scandals Among Parties
- I Look Like Pretty Women
- Why I am Active in my Faith
- Liberty
- Pope Agrees with Mormon
- We're All Enemy Combatants
- Smartest Man Alive
- Instruments of the Lord's Peace
- 15 Questions Liberals Should Answer
- Complain Less and Give More
- Hitler Quotes
- Why Most Men are Republican
- What's in a Name?
- Elders of Al Qaeda
- The Lord's Think Tank
- History of the Church
- Family Search Indexing
- Laden with Taxes
- The Tree of Life—Individual and Communal
- Church's Opposition to Draft in 1945
- The Way of the Covenant
- Sustain'd Launch
- It's official. I'm normal.
- Veto the Voting Machines
- White and Nerdy
- Mothers Without Borders Service Project in Conclusion
- Constitution Day, Bush-Style
- The FED goes after the Liberty Dollar
- Worship the Father or Jesus?
- Refuse to be Terrorized
- Sacrificing Liberty for Safety
- We are Safer, but not Safe
- Iraq—A Global War
- FHE and Monday Night Football
- 9/11 and the Constitution
- Girlspeak to English Dictionary
- Beggars
- Steven Jones on Paid Leave
- Footer Quotes
- A Bit of Humor
- Plan B
- The True State of the Union
- Iraqi War Fatalities
- El Autobús
- The Weightier Matters of the Law
- Sustain'd is Born!
- Follow the Prophet, He Knows the Way
- JFK on Secret Combinations
- Who am I?
- The Age of RFID
- Wicked Gentiles and Salt Lake City
- Consequences for Courses Contrary to God's Commandments
- Jill and Jill Ran Up The Hill
- BYU: Stone Cold Sober
- Social Security Sucks
- Congressional Crop Rotation
- Seoul, Korea Temple Promise
- J. Reuben Clark's Warnings
- A Prayer on Behalf of the Government
- Deceiving the Elect
- Bohemian Rhapsody... I mean, Grove
- Connor the Cynic
- Notable Quotes from Freedom to Fascism
- No More Liquids on Planes
- The Faith of Mahonri
- There Is Enough And To Spare
- The United States in Prophecy
- Transform Your Face
- My Website's DNA
- Spanish Computer
- Cool Optical Illusion
- 9/11 Apathy, Doubt, and Disbelief
- Mothers Without Borders Service Project
- Further Evidence of 9/11 Government Conspiracy?
- The Internet and the Church
- I Killed My Baby! Yay!
- Benji Boyack?
- Become as a Little Child
- Gattaca at our Doorstep
- Blogger of Cupid
- LDS Church Heeds Jesus' Call
- FEMA Tramples the Constitution
- Second Amendment Infringement
- Additions To My Lexicon
- War With Mexico
- Uncle Sam Knows Best
- Rocky Anderson Needs the Boot
- Principles of Liberty—28 Ideas Changing the World
- Faith Is A Right, Not A Theocracy, Senator Schumer
- High Gas Prices
- Ann Coulter on Evolution in the Classroom
- Brittany McComb Part 2 and the War on Religion
- Unitary Executive Theory—read: "Load of Crap"
- River Ribble and a Small World
- Security and Prosperity Partnership: Goodbye to our Borders!
- Iran's Hizbollah says ready to attack US, Israel
- Global Warming Makes the World Go 'Round
- Secret Combinations by Mark Hudson
- Satisficing, Complacency, Apathy, and the Gospel
- "Wisdom"
- Taking Upon You His Name
- Natural Law and the Church's Stance on Polygyny
- Heavenly Glory—Not a Guessing Game
- Blogging != Dating
- Annihilation: the Anti-Terrorism Solution?
- Zelph the White Lamanite
- A Historical Perspective on Gay Marriage
- The Church is True Because of Food
- Israel—The Beginning of the End?
- Serve and Worship
- The Book of Hagoth
- The New Gay Times
- America's Regional Religions
- What I'm Listening To
- Fake IDs to Save Your Life
- Security and Prosperity Partnership—North America Union?
- GOP Dominance Troubles Church
- Superfluous Taxation
- Who Won't Vote for Mitt Romney?
- Jesus Sues for LDS Church Control
- A Curse, For Thy Sake
- Unity '08 and the Human Party
- Secret Societies in Our Day Part 2
- The Miracle of Tithing
- Will Google Turn Evil?
- Ten Government Principles Favored in the Book of Mormon
- The Proper Role of Government—A Commentary
- Alien Al Gore?
- Wealth vs. Moral Sin
- The Rise and Fall of the Post-Christ Nephites
- Steven Jones and the 9/11 Cover-Up
- Pedophiliac Putin?
- Consider the Constitution Party
- New York and Georgia Ban Same-Sex Marriage
- Secret Societies in Our Day
- Zion in the Midst of Babylon
- Happy Birthday, America!
- Protect and Honor Our Flag
- Not the 4th of July
- Wake up call for America
- Being the nice guy
- Let Freedom Ring
- People Who Drive Silver or Blue Cars Should NOT Read This
- Hypocrisy—Human Nature?
- Moral Relativism
- The Biggest Scam in History
- Media and Traditional Marriage
- A Republic, If You Can Keep It
- The Peril of Political Correctness
- The Error of Evolution
- Mitt Romney and Religion in the Presidency
- Brittany McComb, My Hero
- Illegal Immigration
- Homeschool—An Enticing Option
- Temple in Tegucigalpa
- And What Is It We Should Hope For?
- Secularism and Spirituality
- Joy in the Journey
- Anti-Mormon Literature, Infallibility, and High Standards
- Family Ward Pandemonium
- Crackpot Celebrityism
- Harry Reid and First Presidency Opposition
- Trip to San Francisco
- Hypocrisy
- Pernicious Political Partisanship
- Web Design and Whitespace
- Mac Evangelism
- La cara latina de Utah.gov
- WVP as a graph
- Religion's influence on the Marriage Protection Amendment