A child’s curiosity and natural desire to learn are like a tiny flame, easily extinguished unless it’s protected and given fuel. This book will help you as a parent both protect that flame of curiosity and supply it with the fuel necessary to make it burn bright throughout your child’s life. Let’s ignite our children’s natural love of learning!
August 18th, 2006
Congressional Crop Rotation
From the Utah Valley Review:
Ask yourself, “How do I feel about the two term limits applied to Presidents of the United States?” We feel term limits are a good thing. In fact, we really feel that the lack of term limits poses a serious threat to the democratic process.
One of the highest criterias of government set in place by the founders of the United States was the deprivation, separation, and limitation of power among its leaders. We feel that term limits are an ode to this dynamic. Career politicking inevitably results in an inner circle of leadership—a congressional clique concerned more about group preservation than population represention.
This is seen through the compromising influence of lobbyists; through the de facto sanctioning of bribes; through politicized legislation designed to engender constituent sympathy and support; through congressional ethics scandals and the general disinterest in pursuing and prosecuting one’s protected peers, (“He who is without scandal, let him cast the first indictment”).
Such enclosed oligarchies are ultimately out of touch with the needs of the people. Utah voters would do well to cultivate a governmental attitude of trickle-down leadership by continually rotating the congressional crop, fertilizing congress with new ideas, and bringing back retiring politicians to work among the populace as emeritus delegates at the grassroots level.
I completely agree with this editorial. Career politicians no longer represent their constituency; they represent themselves. They no longer serve the people who put them into office; they serve their lobbyists, their like-minded colleagues, and their own image.
Hatch needs to go. So does Kennedy. For this same reason (among a myriad of others), I feel Hillary Clinton should not be President. The era of Bushes and Clintons needs to come to an end. It is time for new blood. I wouldn’t mind kicking everybody out of Congress (and all other governmental entities) and starting fresh.
2 Responses to “Congressional Crop Rotation”
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Right on, Connor.
Wow. For once I agree with you. The congressional incumbancy rate is 98%. Our House spends more time creating non-binding bills and proposing pathetic same-sex marriage bans and other nonsense to protect their hold of their offices, while ignoring some of the most glaring issues of the day. This holds for both parties, which is why the one thing they agree the most on is opposing term limits.