A child’s curiosity and natural desire to learn are like a tiny flame, easily extinguished unless it’s protected and given fuel. This book will help you as a parent both protect that flame of curiosity and supply it with the fuel necessary to make it burn bright throughout your child’s life. Let’s ignite our children’s natural love of learning!
July 6th, 2006
Consider the Constitution Party
While in a recent post I described the jeopardy that partisan politics has on our nation’s progress, I do also feel that a party, being a collective group of people with like-minded ideals and values, has a better chance for getting its leaders elected into positions in this country.
While in a recent post I described the jeopardy that partisan politics has on our nation’s progress, I do also feel that a party, being a collective group of people with like-minded ideals and values, has a better chance for getting its leaders elected into positions in this country.
Sadly, voters aren’t going to vote for an independent based on his platform and sound bytes, just as many people won’t buy the knockoff toothpaste at the grocery store. We’ve been conditioned to judge things by their label, be it “Colgate” or “Republican”. The fact that somebody belongs to a certain party is enough for some people to vote for them, without caring to investigate what they believe and how they’ve voted in the past.
That being said, I’ve recently been looking into the Constitution Party. I, too, feel that our government needs to be purged and cleansed, and returned to its Constitutional foundation from which it has veered.
However, I have a problem with this party. The end of their party’s history says the following:
“We also oppose . . . both foreign aid and military interventionism.”
This is flagrantly unethical, and in opposition to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Foreign aid is a must in our day of starvation, homelessness, and poverty. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is known and thanked worldwide for its humanitarian aid program. Christ himself has commanded us to “succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees” (D&C 81:5).
The same stands true for military interventionism. However, this is to only be done properly when the purpose and intent is transparent and true, and not when there are alterior motives. We cannot, as empathic human beings and brothers and sisters, stand by and watch people the world over suffer at the hands of insurgents, mercenaries, totalitarians, and fascists. It is our duty to get involved and defend these victims, just as the Nephites defended and protected the Anti-Nephi-Lehites (see Alma 27:22-24,26).
So, this demonstrates yet another problem I have with political parties. While I may agree with 90% of the Constitutionalist Party’s platform, there is still that 10%… I’m starting to realize how increasingly difficult it is to find a politician, platform, or party that agrees with me 100%. Perhaps compromise is what it’s really all about?
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Note: I have joined the Constitution party. I have resolved the two concerns I noted here. First, upon further pondering, I no longer believe it to be the government’s repsonsibility to administer foreign aid. This a socialistic attitude taking our money and giving it, without consent, to other people. It must be left up to private persons and organizations to voluntarily administer such aid.
As per military interventionism, one only need read one of my war-related posts (such as this, or Wade’s BoJ post) to see how I’ve come to feel about the USA fighting a preemptive war.