August 3rd, 2006

Mothers Without Borders Service Project

African girl

Mariama Kollon, who once stood in line to have her legs chopped off, could be the poster woman for Salt Lake’s Humanitarian Center.

Mariama Kollon, who once ran through the woods with her niece tied on her back to escape killers, can tell you the value of a bag of beans, soap and toothpaste.

Mariama Kollon, whose parents were shot in their home by marauding rebels, will tell you that the kits from the Humanitarian Center are so valuable that it was the only thing she grabbed from her burning house.

She lives in Utah now, a lonely refugee from Sierra Leone, working three part-time cleaning jobs. She arrived in this country a few years ago carrying only a plastic bag filled with two changes of clothing, scriptures and her hygiene kit.

Every year the Humanitarian Center sends out millions of hygiene kits, school kits and newborn kits, as well as clothing, food and medical supplies. It is a popular project for Eagle Scouts and LDS Church wards. Anyone can assemble and donate the kits. They aid millions of people in need around the world in ways we can’t really comprehend.

Please read the rest of this touching story that shows how a simple little bag of supplies can save lives.

My ward (a congregation of the LDS church) will be doing a service project on September 18th to assemble some of these kits. What we need is supplies. We will be soliciting donations from local stores, but we are more heavily counting on individual donations to help us obtain enough money to buy an overwhelming amount of supplies (for medical and hygiene kits).

100% of your donation will be used to purchase these supplies, that will be shipped directly to Zambia, Africa. We will be sending the kits through the organization Mothers Without Borders.

Each kit costs approximately $10 to put together. So, if you donate $100, you are providing kits for 10 people.

We could assemble a few hundred kits, but I want more. I want to innundate Zambia with these kits. I want to provide people (YOU) the opportunity to donate some of your money to a worthy cause. I want to provide people (YOU) the opportunity to directly impact the life of another person.

We live in opulence. We have cars, air conditioning, the internet, soap, clothing, and a slew of other commodities that we take for granted. Some of these people in Zambia regard something like soap or a toothbrush as a prized possession. Let’s bless their lives.

Your donation is tax deductible. Checks (or money orders or cashiers checks) should be made out to Mothers Without Borders, and mailed to:

Connor Boyack
1420 Westbury Way #L
Lehi, UT 84043

I must receive all donations no later than September 9th. Please include with your donation a slip of paper that has your email address on it. Once your payment is processed, you will be emailed a receipt to use when filing your taxes.

Please don’t wait on this. Act now, mail a check, and bless the life of another.

If you have any questions, please contact me. If your company or business would also like to make a donation, I can provide Mothers Without Borders’ tax ID for that purpose.

Please, please, please tell your friends, family, and neighbors. This is a simple way to see your money make a direct impact on somebody’s life, rather than donating to a large fund where overhead expenses minimize your donation.

And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. (Mosiah 2:17)

2 Responses to “Mothers Without Borders Service Project”

  1. Natasha Pratt
    March 19, 2007 at 9:58 pm #

    Keep up the good work. I have tried to get an application for a trip, but it costs 3500$ and i am 15, so that means i need a parent to accompany me. For the strangest reason of all, i have wondered all my life what is my purpose, i am not good at anything, i have horrible grades, and yet i KNOW i am supposed to do something. When i heard about Mothers without Borders, I got that gut feeling that this was it! I have prayed about it over and over, and never in my entire teenager life have i ever felt that i am supposed to do something about this. Still though, my parents think its a fake organization, but i know otherwise. I can’t do much now, except collect money and create organizations and stuff like that, but when as soon as i turn 18, i am so going on that plane, and I plan to be there as long as i can.
    sorry you had to read my boring comment, probably took all your space, but just a witness to every one else,
    again , Good Luck !

  2. mother
    March 20, 2007 at 9:59 am #

    OK, that’s weird . . . why do your parents think it is fake? I’m on the national board of directors (I’m Connor’s mom) and I have been to AFrica and seen our projects and seen the donations, etc . . . . Happy to talk to your folks if you need some clarifying . . .
    Feel free to pop me an e-mail and we can talk from time to time on what you can and want to do. If your heart calls you to help these brothers and sisters, you can and will!
    Merrilee Boyack

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