March 16th, 2007

A Gay Education

This article is astounding.

Parker was arrested and jailed in Lexington in April 2005 over his request — and the school’s refusal — to notify him when adults discuss homosexuality or transgenderism with his 6-year-old kindergartner. That despite a state law requiring such notification.

The incident made news around the nation and even Gov. Mitt Romney agreed with Parker.

However, in April 2006 the same school presented the book “King and King,” about homosexual romances and marriage, to second-graders and again refused to provide notification.

This one is as well.

Administrators at North Newton High School in Newton, Mass., have held a seminar for students that explained how to know they are homosexual, but banned parents from attending.

“It’s absolutely insane,” parent Brian Camenker, who also is chief of the Mass Resistance organization, said. “I met with the principal. She told me no parents are allowed. She said only by invitation. I asked, ‘Can I be invited.’ She said, ‘No.'”

The event, called “ToBeGlad Day,” was the school’s “Transgender Bisexual Gay Lesbian Awareness Day,” and students were given a pamphlet that explains what it means to be “gay,” tells students how they are supposed to know if they are “gay,” and responds to the question, “Will I ever have sex?”

Don’t forget about this one.

Officials at Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Ill., have ordered their 14-year-old freshman class into a “gay” indoctrination seminar, after having them sign a confidentiality agreement promising not to tell their parents.

“This is unbelievable,” said Matt Barber, policy director for cultural issues for Concerned Women for America. “It’s not enough that students at Deerfield High are being exposed to improper and offensive material relative to unhealthy and high-risk homosexual behavior, but they’ve essentially been told by teachers to lie to their parents about it.”

In what CWA called a “shocking and brazen act of government abuse of parental rights,” the school’s officials required the 14-year-olds to attend a “Gay Straight Alliance Network” panel discussion led by “gay” and “lesbian” upperclassmen during a “freshman advisory” class which “secretively featured inappropriate discussions of a sexual nature in promotion of high-risk homosexual behaviors.”

Such radical activism makes me want to vomit. Why these hypocritical homosexuals think they can push their agenda on all children in the school while freaking out about anything having to do with Christianity or traditional family values is beyond me.

In my high school back home they have a “gay awareness day”, where buttons and ribbons are passed out to students who are encouraged to put them on their backpacks and other visible places. Some teachers have a day of silence, refraining from saying anything to honor homosexuals and their cause. Incidentally, the day has become a “Mormon holiday” where most LDS mothers (who have a brain) take their children out of school for that day and let them go to the beach or do something else other than be subjected to such nefarious activities.

It’s a sad truth that the public school system has become nothing more than an Animal Farm type of indoctrination institution for those in power.

12 Responses to “A Gay Education”

  1. Dustin
    March 16, 2007 at 7:58 am #

    Wow, Connor, this stuff is unbelievable! I thought the “maturation program” in 6th grade was uncomfortable. My biology teacher (non-mormon even) skipped over the whole evolution theory in 9th grade thankfully, & I ignored & flunked the whole safe sex/STD lessons as a sophomore. But I’m sure glad I was never subjected to this crap in school.

  2. Silus Grok
    March 16, 2007 at 8:24 am #

    Um, Connor… no wonder you’re mad. If I took the sensationalist tripe that World Net Daily wrote to heart, I’d be pretty steaming, too. And while I concur that public education is a hotbed for social engineering… don’t forget that that was why it was invented — to shape young Americans to be good citizens. Now that we are not an agrarian society, it is to shape us as good citizens and good employees. So the temptation to pass-on the modern zeitgeist to our children is inherent in the system. Don’t be surprised when schools do what they’re meant to do… plug into your schools and shape them.

    In the end, most of these awareness days are a response to child-on-child brutality. The schools feel more and more responsible — and courts are agreeing — for even the most innocuous of actions perpetrated within their halls. Can you blame them?

    Funny thing: though we come at this from slightly different angles, I’m with you on homeschooling.

    : )

  3. latterdayteancum
    March 16, 2007 at 8:38 am #

    In my opinion, this issue here isn’t homosexuality, but a parent’s right to know and be involved in what public schools are teaching their children. I am sure that even homosexual parents would agree that they should have control and say over what their children are being taught.

  4. Connor
    March 16, 2007 at 8:44 am #


    But I’m sure glad I was never subjected to this crap in school.

    Amen! I’m not sure how I would have handled it. I was highly influenceable before I came the stubborn individual I am now (haha) and likely would have been negatively impacted by such a deceptive, satanic campaign guised as “education”. What filth!


    The schools feel more and more responsible — and courts are agreeing — for even the most innocuous of actions perpetrated within their halls. Can you blame them?

    Ah, but the evident hypocrisy saturates any “do gooder” stated intent of protecting the kids. This isn’t about protection as much as it is about socialization. And those determining the accepted social standards to be taught are children are often left-learning liberal agenda pushers.

    Funny thing: though we come at this from slightly different angles, I’m with you on homeschooling.

    Glad to hear it. 🙂


    I am sure that even homosexual parents would agree that they should have control and say over what their children are being taught.

    Homosexual parents, maybe. Pro-gay activist groups, no way.

  5. Silus Grok
    March 16, 2007 at 9:12 am #




    Um, “satanic campaign”? … That’s not the rhetoric that will encourage dialog or foster change, Connor. It’s the rhetoric of fundie nutjobs — many of whom think that Mormonism is a “satanic campaign”.

    And as for the left-leaning agenda pushers: should you be surprised? The right/left divide in our country is not so much about cogent arguments on good government, as they are a patois for the political aspirations of the enfranchised (right) and the political aspirations of the disenfranchised and those sympathetic to their plight (left). Within these patois, you have myriad subgroups that would rather not deal with each other…

    So social re-engineering is almost ALWAYS a leftist effort — by definition. The only exception being the machinations of the far-right who rally not for the status-quo so much as their perceptions of an idylized past.

    Anyway… so demonizing either side as some monolithic effort seems a little hollow and disengenuous. More over, it’s largely ineffective as a discussion tool — unless all you’re hoping to do is commisserate with people of a like mind. It’s the politics of “us” and “them”… and it’s bad for America.

    /steps down from soap box

  6. Connor
    March 16, 2007 at 9:17 am #

    /steps up onto soap box 🙂

    Um, “satanic campaign”? … That’s not the rhetoric that will encourage dialog or foster change, Connor.

    Declaring truth to those who don’t like to hear it often comes off as “not encouraging dialog”. Like the story of the camel and the tent, compromising and “encouraging dialog” can often have a detrimental effect. Boldly declaring what is morally correct often is seen as “hate filled” and “bigoted”. But yes, pushing the homosexual agenda on innocent children is nothing more than, in my mind, from Satan. It’s certainly not from God.

    So social re-engineering is almost ALWAYS a leftist effort — by definition.

    Amen. All the more reason that a strong defense is needed for traditional, God-given values. We must take a stand for what is right and not capitulate. The war in heaven continues today in full force.

  7. Silus Grok
    March 16, 2007 at 9:33 am #

    So the lessons of the mission need not apply here? The pleading of President Hinckley and the brethren to open dialogs with our neighbors is in vain? Building relationships of trust… sitting down with the sinners and the publicans… taking up the cat of nine-tails in only the most dire of circumstances — but still taking the time to release the doves from their cages… that doesn’t apply any more?

    Declaring truth only works when both parties have a lot in common… the goal shouldn’t be to get our say in, but to help change hearts, no?

    And the “homosexual agenda” is about as ill-defined as any other boogy men you care to envision… I’ll have to come back to latterdayteancum’s more inclusive statement: the broader issue is parental rights. That’s something that people across the board can get behind.

    As for “traditional, God-given values”, you’ll have a hard time with this, too. Whose tradion? Whose God? How far back do we go to define tradition? I’m an active and faithful Latter-day Saint, but I must operate in a world that is filled with varying view points and a political system that protects my minority view point from majority coersion by protecting minority view points across the board. We can’t say we love a country and then behave in a way that tears at its seams.

    Dialog is the answer… when dialog is no longer the answer, it’s beyond too late for anything but heading for the hills.

  8. Vanessa
    March 18, 2007 at 11:32 am #

    I wonder when He comes again…

  9. Steve M
    March 21, 2007 at 11:20 am #

    I am sure that even homosexual parents would agree that they should have control and say over what their children are being taught.

    Homosexual parents, maybe. Pro-gay activist groups, no way.

    There may be some extreme, unreasonable pro-gay activist groups out there (just as there are anti-gay activist groups), but I suspect that most reasonable activists, pro-gay or otherwise, recognize and support the right of parents to know what their children are being taught in school.

    The cases you cite are unfortunate, but I believe that they are the exception, not the norm.

  10. Carissa
    March 22, 2007 at 12:36 pm #

    The cases you cite are unfortunate, but I believe that they are the exception, not the norm.

    Yes, they are. However, they should serve as a reminder of where our country could possibly be headed (as they are becoming more frequent). We should remember the Ninth Circuit court ruling in Fields V. Palmdale in Nov 2005 wherein they endorsed and adopted the recent First and Sixth Circuit court rulings and applied them to the issue of homesexuality they were dealing with:

    “… once parents make the choice as to which school their children will attend, their fundamental right to control the education of their children is, at the least, substantially diminished. The constitution does not vest parents with the authority to interfere with a public school’s decision as to how it will provide information to its students or what information it will provide, in its classrooms or otherwise.” Pg 14

    “While parents may have a fundamental right to decide whether to send their child to a public school, they do not have a fundamental right generally to direct how a public school teaches their child.” Pg 15

    The Ninth Circuit ruled:

    “Parents have a right to inform their children when and as they wish on the subject of sex; they have no constitutional right, however, to prevent a public school from providing its students with whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise, when and as the school determines that it is appropriate to do so.” Pg 14


    “In sum, we affirm that the Meyer-Pierce right does not extend beyond the threshold of the school door.” Pg 16

    I see this as a warning to all parents! Yes, we should still continue to work with our local school districts in monitoring the curriculum and activities and advocating change when necessary. But BEWARE and REMEMBER… the courts have already ruled that if you are upset about something the school chooses to do, as a parent you have “no constitutional right… to prevent a public school from providing its students with whatever information it wishes to provide, sexual or otherwise”. This is now a great risk associated with using our public school system.

    (At least the courts affirmed that parents have a right whether or not to send their children to a public school in the first place)

  11. Shaun
    April 3, 2007 at 10:21 am #

    I find there is a gay agenda and movement that is very much a secret combination.

    We all remember the Mathew Shepherd case in Wyoming, back in the 90’s. Tragic and sad. The media blew it huge, screaming of “tolerance” and of the need for “hate crimes legislation.”

    The media too somehow found some dirty little “christian” people full of venom speaking of Shepherd burning in hell, and rejoicing at the thought. This of course they used as a broad brush to all Christians, as homosexual persecuting, hateful people in a frothing at the mouth mode, endorsing the murder of “sodomites.”

    The great hypocrisy on this whole thing is the fact that in the same year or two of the Mathew Shepherd tragedy, there too was another tragedy, but the media was silent on the issue.

    Back in the midwest, two homosexual men had an adolescent boy bound and gaged, drugged into submission. These monsters repeatedly sodomized the boy, then went out to eat dinner. Upon returning, the boy had ceased breathing. They tried to revive him, but to no avail. The boy died.

    Hate Crime? Was this not a hate crime? Where was the media outcry, the national outcry on this? Silence! This vicious death of a minor was met with media silence in terms of the large national media.

    This to me indicates a very calculated agenda, and there is not an agenda toward truth on such subject matter, but there is a pro homosexual agenda that is large, organized, and increasing it’s effectiveness.

  12. Connor
    May 16, 2007 at 10:07 pm #

    Here’s one more recent event to add to the list—showing Brokeback Mountain to a middle school class.

    Somebody needs to be slapped.

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