November 8th, 2006

Farewell, Rummy!


A day after the midterms election where the Democrats took control of the House (and maybe the Senate), Defense Secretary and neocon-extraordinaire Donald Henry Rumsfeld has announced that he will be stepping down.

Praise be!

He’s said some crazy things over the years, and done far worse, but America will be better off without this man in control. Critics have been calling for his resignation for some time now, and now that his opposing party is in control of our legislative branch, chances are high that Rummy was peeing his pants at the thought of an investigation into any number of a plethora of areas relating to the war.

CIA Director Robert Gates will be taking his spot. Yes, that’s right—the director of our national intelligence (spy) organization will now be heading up all our wars. That frightens me a little.

…oh yeah, and Robert Gates is a member of the CFR.

One Response to “Farewell, Rummy!”

  1. Dan
    November 8, 2006 at 3:10 pm #

    Good riddance to Rumsfeld.

    As far as Gates, he still has to make it through now a Democratic held Senate. 🙂

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