A child’s curiosity and natural desire to learn are like a tiny flame, easily extinguished unless it’s protected and given fuel. This book will help you as a parent both protect that flame of curiosity and supply it with the fuel necessary to make it burn bright throughout your child’s life. Let’s ignite our children’s natural love of learning!
April 3rd, 2007
A Faithful, Optimistic Realist
“We have every reason to be optimistic in this world,” President Gordon B. Hinckley has said. “Tragedy is around, yes. Problems everywhere, yes. But look at Nauvoo. Look at what they built here in seven years and then left. But what did they do? Did they lie down and die? NO! They went to work! They moved halfway across this continent and turned the soil of a desert and made it blossom as the rose. On that foundation this church has grown into a great worldwide organization affecting for good the lives of people in more than 140 nations. You can’t, you don’t build out of pessimism or cynicism. You look with optimism, work with faith, and things happen.” (Gordon B. Hinckley, via Quoty)
Sometimes readers of my blog accuse me of being a cynic. Coupled with such judgment is the assumption that I am a pessimist. These people view my political posts where I vehemently rebuke those who do evil and thus infer that I am a perpetual doomsayer.
To such persons I declare my optimism and hope for a better world. I consider myself a student of the scriptures. I love studying prophecy—both ancient and modern—regarding the events of these latter days in which we live. I feel that I have “[awoken] to a sense of our awful situation” through research and divine guidance in my study of things as they really are.
Like any soul who seeks after the truth, my divine duty once I have learned something is to share it with others. This is one of the (many) reasons that I blog. I aim to raise awareness on what I deem to be important issues. I aim to report on current events from a faithful LDS perspective. I aim to encourage others to study modern affairs with open eyes. I aim to obey my responsibility to preach truth and bring to light the hidden things of darkness.
Many of you, whether through comments on my blog, emails, or in person conversation, have expressed gratitude for the subjects I discuss. I likewise feel a deep sense of appreciation for those journalists, columnists, and others who provide me access to important information I otherwise would not know.
For those who do believe that I am a pessimist, I invite you to read my posts with an open heart and a willing mind. I realize, more than anybody else, that I am imperfect, fallible, and prone to error. As one who seeks after truth, I invite you to correct me if you feel I am mistaken in my views or statements.
Those who disagree that I am a pessimist will surely have noted that even when I take to scathing a person or organization that works wickedness, I offer scriptures and quotes that teach the correct principles in relation to the post’s subject. I do not focus on doom and gloom, but instead seek to raise a warning voice and boldly proclaim truth as I understand it to be.
I do not treat my posts lightly. I spend a great deal of time (more than I probably should, as many would agree) researching and composing my thoughts each weekday night.
Why do I do it? Because I am a faithful, optimistic realist. I know that the ills of our world will only be fully remedied when our King returns to claim His throne. Until that time, I know that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. As Captain Moroni of old, I seek to tear down tyranny and uphold liberty. I am of small importance in the world and am without prestige and power, but I aim to do my part in having ears to hear, raising the warning voice, and opposing all that which Satan strives to do.
And so I declare that I am not a pessimist. I am a faithful, optimistic realist—one who is aware of the various evils in our world, yet with faith and hope seeks to use the armor of God to defend truth and virtue and advance the kingdom of God one small step at a time.
Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! (D&C 128:22)
5 Responses to “A Faithful, Optimistic Realist”
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I, for one, don’t think of you as a pessimist Connor–more of an idealist…
Keep doing what you are doing – I’ve got your back.
I personally think that one tactic used by Satan to keep good people from working to thwart his plans is to make them believe that they should not study anything with “negative” implications attached. For example:
I only want to hear about things that are uplifting and inspiring.
I want to focus on the good, not the bad.
If I give serious thought to these things it will only make me depressed — I can’t do anything about them anyway.
All of these thoughts have some merit and can therefore be very convincing reasons to stay away from the study of current secret combinations or anything suspected of being such. And yet, while it may not appeal to many of us, we are commanded to “awake” to these things so we can rid ourselves of them.
Becoming aware and informing (or warning) others if often seen as being pessimistic, paranoid, or cynical. Of course it can be taken to that level, but Connor is not doing that. Some may perceive him as being extreme or even too idealistic, but his voice is badly needed in our world. Since I have begun to study these subjects and the words of the prophets in relation to them, I have been looking for a voice like his. He is proof that one need not be depressed, cynical, or pessimistic in pursuing truth and fighting against evil.
Thank you Connor!
I am reminded of the story of Samuel the Lamanite where he rebuked people for only wanting to hear flattery and positivity rather than being told what their sins were and what they needed to remedy in their personal lives and communal society.
The Book of Mormon truly was written for our day!
Connor, your blog is one of the most thoughtful I’ve seen. Keep up the good work.