A child’s curiosity and natural desire to learn are like a tiny flame, easily extinguished unless it’s protected and given fuel. This book will help you as a parent both protect that flame of curiosity and supply it with the fuel necessary to make it burn bright throughout your child’s life. Let’s ignite our children’s natural love of learning!
November 18th, 2006
Get Involved!

Tonight I had a few friends over to watch the Invisible Children documentary produced by the organization w/ the same name.
I cried. Again.
You (yes, YOU) need to watch this movie. If you live near me, borrow mine. If you don’t, buy a copy. It’s better than most of the garbage for sale from Hollywood. Want a great thanksgiving or Christmas present? Buy this movie. You will not regret it. I give it two thumbs up – I’d give it more, but that’s all the thumbs I have.
I will be placing a bulk order on November 22 to the Invisible Children store, so send in your orders! I will pay all shipping. You can buy a green or white bracelet for $20, or the DVD for $20 also (or both!).
Thanksgiving is coming up. What do YOU have to be grateful for? Things as simple as a down comforter, more than one pair of shoes, a shower, running water, food, and more than one outfit (that’s clean)? These children don’t have that. What are YOU going to do about it? Do you understand the principles of consecration? Are you fulfilling your covenant (those of you who have been baptized) to “mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort”? (Mosiah 18:8-17).
There are countless ways to get involved, bless others, and share. If you feel moved to choose this cause, please let me know what you’d like to purchase and I’ll include it in this bulk order. THANK YOU.
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[…] Then, from Connor’s blog, I read about the Invisible Children documentary. I’d heard about it a few months prior in the Daily Universe (they had a BYU screening), and so when I found that it was on Google Video, I downloaded it onto my iPod. […]
[…] Connor invited me to check out a movie a few weeks back, and the impact is still taking its toll. The movie is called Invisible Children, and it describes the atrocities unfolding in Uganda. The civil wars have degraded to the point where small children are recruited and brainwashed so they can become soldiers in the holy wars there. […]