A child’s curiosity and natural desire to learn are like a tiny flame, easily extinguished unless it’s protected and given fuel. This book will help you as a parent both protect that flame of curiosity and supply it with the fuel necessary to make it burn bright throughout your child’s life. Let’s ignite our children’s natural love of learning!
November 4th, 2006
Invisible Children

My brother just pointed me to the Invisible Children website. I have one word to describe it: WOW.
Their mission:
Invisible Children, Inc. changes culture, policy, and lives through collisions of poverty and power.
The Mission is the ultimate goal of Invisible Children—the resources, skills, and funds that hit the ground in Uganda, providing healthcare, safety, employment, and education.
Invisible Children, Inc. believes that changing the lives of people in underprivileged areas is just as important as changing lives in the western world. The only way change can come in Uganda, and other places in need, is to educate and empower the rest of the world to do something. One of the darkest things about Africa is the rest of the world’s ignorance towards it. If you believe in what we’re doing, join us. We are unlike many other nonprofits: We take your donation, make it larger by plugging it into our programs in the United States, and send the greater amount to Uganda. Please visit the “Programs” page of our website for more information on the Invisible Children Bracelet Campaign and the Education Program.
One of their programs is the bracelet campaign where they employ poverty-stricken people in Uganda to make bracelets, which are then sold for a profit, with the proceeds going to fund their own businesses, helping them get on their feet. An excellent microfinance project, if you ask me.
Be sure to watch some of the trailers, or grab the DVD. Don’t miss the I Got Soul trailer.
This is what life is all about… moving individual people to action rather than relying on or waiting for government invention. We can all do this. We can all donate. We can all sacrifice just a little to give so much.
Buy a bracelet (or two or three) and support this excellent cause!
3 Responses to “Invisible Children”
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Excellent post about what appears to be an excellent program.
YOUR WELCOME!! haha i saw the movie in school it is soooo good! everyone should buy the movie as well as a bracelet (that comes with a different movie about a child) this is an amazing thing
Waiting for a blog post on your thoughts on the Kony 2012 campaign. Do you agree with sending troops to Uganda for this purpose?