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February 22nd, 2007
Prepping for Iran
We will soon be at war with Iran. How do I know this? The government propaganda machine is revving up for just that cause.
Does a government who blatantly lied about Iraq expect the American people to buy the same bait with Iran? Is the general citizenry so dense and distracted as to miss the pattern in political propaganda?
According to one source, the battle plans for Iran are already finished. That just leaves one task before invasion: convincing the American people that it’s in our best “national interest” to attack.
I am reminded of a quote attributed to George Orwell:
Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.
And so the propaganda machine is prepping the American people from an Iranian invasion. Certainly Congress will be kept out of the loop on this invasion as well, just as Bush prefers. It’s not like he upholds the Constitution or anything…
Michael Parenti wisely warned us of the dichotomy between things as they really are and things as the government would have us believe:
The enormous gap between what US leaders do in the world and what Americans think their leaders are doing is one of the great propaganda accomplishments of the dominant political mythology. (via Quoty)
So enlighten your mind by rejecting outright whatever the mainstream media is spoon-feeding the American populace. Study the repetition of history and you’ll soon see that war with Iran, while inevitable, is likely not necessary.
10 Responses to “Prepping for Iran”
March 14, 2007
[…] stumbled upon this video this morning. I’m actually surprised I didn’t find it on Connor’s blog first. I’m sure it will be there […]
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I have read that the aircraft carriers and battleships headed to the Gulf right now are being set up for a false flag scene, much like the Gulf of Tonkin false flag op was set up as a pretext to the Viet Nam War. If the MSM so much as whispers that Iran has taken any attempt of attack on one of our carriers or battleships, that will be a pretext for another illegal war. Of course there could be other false flag pretexts, but this one seems like a logical one. Stay tuned, the MSM will for sure let us know their propaganda as soon as it happens.
be ready for war come April or so….
I think Dan’s April prediction comes from the leak to the Arab press of plans for an attack before Blair of the UK leaves office in April. Scary stuff but Bush’s plans seem to be going forth smoothly with full media complicity.
Ouch. You are tough on Bush, Connor. (btw, my last name is Conner). I actually just read an article today speculating that Bush will most likely NOT go to war against Iran, esp since PM Blair, and Sec of Def Gates oppose doing so. And why are you so opposed to military action against Iran anyway? Would you rather die when Iran bombs the United States with its nuclear weapons forged because we were too afraid to do anything about it? I don’t think you should be so worried about it Bush taking on a second war–i don’t think he’s going to do it.
You are tough on Bush, Connor.
Bethany, should you wish to view my thoughts on George W. Bush, I invite you to peruse this thread.
…esp since PM Blair, and Sec of Def Gates oppose doing so.
May I suggest a time-old adage: Actions speak louder than words. Orwell hit the nail on the head when writing about doublethink and groupspeak. Don’t believe everything you hear politicians say. By their fruits ye shall know them, right?
Would you rather die when Iran bombs the United States with its nuclear weapons forged because we were too afraid to do anything about it?
Iran is not a military threat. Michael Nolan said it best:
That the Iranians could soon blow up America with nukes is the exact piece of propaganda my post was referring to. The real story is much more broad and makes a whole lot more sense.
You sound a little paranoid to me. I like your website, and agree with you in many things, but this is not one of them. As a war vet, let me assure you we have war plans with Russia, China, N. Korea, and several other countries already drawn up. You don’t wait until the war to draw up the plans, you prepare ahead. I don’t think it’s gonna happen. I would put money on it.
PS- According to your arguments, any time the American press reports on anything bad on any other country, it means “war propaganda” is happening? I don’t think so. The secret combinations you like to talk about so much are alive and well. They run Iran, Syria, N. Korea, etc. Our press just reports on it. I was in Fallujah, Iraq, for most of a year, and it was eye-opening for me: Iraq is what a country looks like when it’s run by a secret combination. Good people are sheep in a sea of wolves. Tha’s Iraq and Iran.
Carlos, you state:
“As a war vet, let me assure you we have war plans with Russia, China, N. Korea, and several other countries already drawn up. You don’t wait until the war to draw up the plans, you prepare ahead.”
To which I add: The plans are surely already drawn up, we are just waiting for the pretext of that particular war to happen. We cause the false-flag pretext, and off to war we go!
It’s just too dang bad that the pre-drawn up war plans for Afghanistan and Iraq have gone so awry. That false-flag pretext of 9/11 was pretty stupid also. Trying to tie those two pre-drawn up wars to a guy in a cave with 19 boxcutter-wielding hijackers is pretty evil, the work of a true modern-day secret combination.
you said, “I was in Fallujah, Iraq, for most of a year, and it was eye-opening for me: Iraq is what a country looks like when it’s run by a secret combination.”
Great point. Fallujah was decimated by it’s rulers as the rest of the nation of Iraq has been. It is right that you think of the occupation of Iraq as part of a secret combination.